Justin's Random Generators for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

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Random Character Generator

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This page allows you to quickly create a character with random race and class. You only need to specify the level of the character, and choose one of two generation methods. Spells are determined at random but with bias towards commonly used spells. The character is given a random name according to the random name generator.

This generator includes all races in the Players Handbook. This does allow "variant" Humans; 1/4 of generated Humans choose this option. All classes in the Players Handbook are included. This generator has a chance of producing multi-class characters. There isn't a strict percentage of them that end up multi-class, as with each level up the generator examines current ability scores and uses those values to determine the chance of adding a new level in a different class. It does not create multi-class characters until the character has attained at least 3 levels in its primary class, and the character always has a high chance of choosing its primary class over a multi-class option. Currently, high-level characters are very likely to be multi-classed.

The difference between the two generation methods may not be apparent. The "Race and Class First" method picks random race and then a random class. It is weighted to pick a class commonly used by the race. However, this method allows less-used combinations to occur uncommonly. For example, with this method a Dwarf is likely to be a fighter or barbarian, but may rarely end up being a Wizard. After these are determined, ability scores are rolled and then optimally placed to benefit the class. The other method, "Ability Scores First", is an old legacy process inherited from 2nd Edition. This option rolls the scores for each ability, and then chooses a race and class that best fit the scores. I consider this method inferior (and more likely to produce less optimally distributed ability scores), but it is here in case you want 2nd Edition nostalgia.

Character inventories are random, however 1st level characters follow the guidelines in PHB for building a new 1st level character. Characters above level 1 have randomized gear that is appropriate for their level. Regarding which armor is being worn by characters, there is too much ambiguity in many cases about "better" (for example +3 armor vs "of Resistance"), so it is up to the user to decide which armor is worn at the time of generation. Likewise, you'll have to calculate the Armor Class and look up (in the Player's Handbook) the damage dice for the weapons used.

A note about spells: With some higher level characters, you may find that there are "gaps" in the spells known, where a character might know only one spell from a particular level and then more spells from a higher level. Remember that many spellcasting classes have the ability to replace known spells when gaining a level, and the generator takes this into account, often replacing a lower-level spell with a higher level spell. It will always keep at least one spell in each spell level, however.

The next update for this page will include additional sub-classes found in other books, as well as additional races. Along with this, I will include options to include or exclude options from those books (in case you don't have them).

Character level:

Generation method:

Allow Multi-class Characters?

Ability Scores: (note: "Ability Scores First" generation method always uses 4d6, drop lowest)