Justin's Random Generators for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

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Treasure Chest Generator

Instructions: Treasure chests range from level 1 - 20. Depending on context, you can set the chest level equal to the average party level, or set it based on "how deep" in the dungeon the party is. When treasure chests appear in my generators, they use half the party level when outdoors, and the dungeon level underground.

There are 6 kinds of treasure chests (the type is determined at random by default), and this affects nearly all randomized aspects of the chest. For example, cloth sacks often have trash and few valuables, ceramic urns usually have coins, and actual chests are the best source for magic items. This generator will also randomly create any traps as well as determine if the chest is locked. In all cases, the specifics of traps and locks are scaled to the party level.

Chest Level: Container: