Justin's Random Generators for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

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Encounter Generator

Version 0.5

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This generator offers several features not found in most other generators. It includes greatly expanded treasure tables for all monster encounters, allowing small chances for common monsters like goblins and orcs to have magic weapons and potions of healing. The entire set of random treasure tables from the DMG has been transcribed to the generator, so with a sufficiently high level encounter, you can get any magic item in the book. Additionally, nearly all monsters from the MM and Volo are included as possibilities somewhere here. I have plans to add monsters from four more books (the checkbox options have been added but for those books it makes no difference if they are checked or not). There are some that are not presently encountered because they don't really fit the concept of random encounters (such as Illithid Elder Brains, or Tarrasque), and others that are not included because they generally have no business being on the Prime Material Plane (modrons, for example). You can, however, still force encounters with these by the seeded options. This generator also randomly produces a mood for the encounter, which tells you what is the emotional state of the encounter, and behavior, which tells you what the monster was doing when encountered. Taken together, these two features provide a DM with some quick ideas for how to make the encounter more interesting than a generic fight. Additionally, this generator allows for mixed encounters involving both ally-types (for example, hobgoblins are likely to be encountered with goblins and bugbears), and minion-types (for example, a wraith is normally encountered with specters, and Neogi Elders are usually encountered with regular Neogi).

Future releases will bring random encounter tables for other planes besides Prime Material Plane, and even some simulated role-playing elements handled entirely by the computer. The current generator cannot produce encounters with parties of NPC characters, but this is planned for a future release.

This generator uses the XP Threshold tables from the DMG, which are meant for parties of 3-5 characters, and by default only includes "Easy", "Medium", and "Hard" encounters ("Deadly" shouldn't really be used for random encounters, but you can turn them on if you'd like).

Final Note: This is a highly complex, very experimental generator. There are likely some combinations of random values in the generator that cause it to fail with an error. I have tested extensively and not found anymore such cases, but if you get one, please just generate the encounter again and it shouldn't repeat. Please also let me know of what character levels, day/night, and terrain type you tried to generate the encounter on at t74bdg89@yahoo.com.

Character 1 Level (required):

Character 2 Level (required):

Character 3 Level (required):

Character 4 Level (optional):

Character 5 Level (optional):

Terrain Type

Day or Night:Day | Night

Caves with Lava Pits

Seeded Encounter

Seed by specific monster:

Seed by type:

Note: Choosing either seed method makes it far more likely that the generator cannot create an encounter within the Xp Thresholds for the character levels (for example,
choosing "dragon" as a seed type for a group of level 1 characters, or "Goblin" as a seed monster for a group of level 20 characters).


Source Books (allow monsters from the checked book options):
Monster Manual (purchase link)
Volo's Guide to Everything (purchase link)
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (purchase link)
Creature Codex (3rd Party product) (purchase link)
Tome of Beasts (3rd Party product) (purchase link)
Tome of Beasts II (3rd Party product) (purchase link)

Use static (non-random) hit points?

Difficulty Deadly Encounters included in random?

Set max encounter size (blank is no limit):
Warning: Setting this value too low may cause the generator to fail to find any possible encounters, depending on other factors. If you want to limit the encounter size, 10 is the recommended lowest limit. Setting it lower than 15 will cause some encounters to not generate due to required minions being above the encounter size limit. A low encounter limit also increases the chances that a hard encounter is downgraded to medium, or medium to easy.

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